About Us

Paisley & Company

Every mom who finds out she’s having a daughter gets excited. We moms are afforded the opportunity
to dress up our little princesses in the cutest clothes and treat them like the royalty that they are. From
the time my daughter Paisley was born I’ve found great joy in dressing her in adorable outfits.
Paisley and Company, LLC was brought to life after we learned of our sweet Paisley’s diagnosis. On May
15 th , 2018, Paisley was diagnosed with having profound hearing loss. Ever since then, we’ve worked
rapidly at getting Paisley the necessary resources to get her hearing, speech and communication caught
up. As parents, we felt it was just as necessary to create a heightened opportunity of expression for
Paisley through extracurricular activities as well as through wearing fashionable outfits. All children need
to be shown positive love and attention in order to foster self-confidence. Children of every race,
gender, and disability should be accepted and viewed as equals in our society today. Our hope is that
our message of inclusion will be inherited by more and more people of the world.